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Joint degree and postgraduate  course programmes in:

Environmental diagnostics and safety

Universities Partner of the HENSE SCHOOL Network 

Academic Partners
Italian Universities:
Institutional Partners

The planned courses aim at training the following professionals able to:

  • elaborate original ideas also within a research context (knowledge and understanding);

  • use the acquired skills to solve complex problems typical of the diagnostic activity, in the safety field (applying knowledge and understanding);

  • integrate different aspects of their knowledge through independent judgment to manage complex problems (making judgments);

  • communicate information, ideas and solutions to specialized and non-specialized speakers (communication skills);

  • acquire learning abilities, to take up advanced professional training courses with a high grade of autonomy (learning skills);

with a qualification level depending on  training typology:


Bachelor’s degree Professionals trained in the Environmental, Territorial and Structural Diagnostics

  sectors will be able to:

  • identify, on the basis of indicators, the main issues related to the damage susceptibility of territory elements;

  • deal with the most significant issues related with the instrumental diagnostics on a urban and territorial scale aimed at assessing the safety of parts of the territory;

  • prove advanced skills for laboratory and field activities, as well as a high ability in communicating the acquired knowledge;

  • carry out targeted surveys concerning diverse and interdisciplinary practical issues;

  • carry out professional activities with companies and institutions.


Master’s degree   At the end of the training course the graduated will have acquired a high level of

qualification in the Environment, Territory and Building Structure Diagnostics sectors and will be able to:

  • develop and use specific physical and mathematical instruments related to the study, monitoring and modeling of territorial systems and geophysical phenomena concerning the territory’s safety assessment.

  • play a role of coordination among the different disciplinary procedures involved in the rendering of damage scenarios (Applied Geophysics, Seismic Engineering, Applied Geology, Electronics, Robotics...);

  • combine multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge and technical and professional abilities in the assessment of the damage susceptibility of territorial systems;

  • analyze the social and economical context of the territorial systems to elaborate project ideas; 

  • carry out interdisciplinary professional and research activities with companies and institutions.


Doctorate              Professionals trained will do research and highly qualified activities with

universities, public organizations and private companies in the environment, territory and structural diagnostics sector.


The doctorate’s activities are coordinated by the professors and researchers of the different scientific disciplinary sectors.

The doctoral candidate will carry out his interdisciplinary research project among a research group extended to several universities belonging to at least two Countries, going through a study abroad period based on the mobility programmes for professors and students planned by the Universities Partner of the  HENSE SCHOOL.

Due to its interdisciplinary training character, the course’s structure comprises the following scientific disciplinary areas:


  • Earth Sciences 

  • Mathematical and IT Sciences

  • Physical Sciences

  • Chemical Sciences

  • Civil Engineering and Architecture

  • Industrial and Information Engineering


Considering the strong interdisciplinary character of the Doctorate, customized training courses are planned which will allow the students to acquire the necessary knowledge attending more than one University partner of the HENSE SCHOOL according to the research programmes the candidates develop in the three-year course, the different origins of the students and their previous experience and knowledge. 

Seminars in Managerial training, Knowledge management, Territorial marketing are also offered with the goal of acquiring an adequate skills framework up to make easier for the students entering the labor market.


Master course      The course aims at creating innovative professionals, versed in combining different

disciplines, in the structural and territorial diagnostics field for assessing the damage susceptibility of the buildings and territories in the wake of disastrous events. 

The expected impact on the level of employment and the economic growth of the territory coincides with the promotion of targeted survey protocols of the expeditious and/or the rigorous types for assessing and monitoring any possible cause of risk for parts of the territory. Such protocols will enable the workers to verify how critical the territorial system is and to identify the priority recovery operations.

The context being this, the innovative professionals graduated from the Universities partner of the HENSE SCHOOL, with their specific expertise in the environment and territorial diagnostics and safety, when employed in professional, industrial and institutional sectors will help developing a stronger awareness of the territory risks and a related culture of prevention able to direct the economic development of the society towards sustainability.


Lifelong courses    Lifelong courses aim at granting different subjects working in varied areas

(professional, business, institutional…) the participation to targeted lifelong training processes. The final goal is creating an advanced society based on knowledge to produce a sustainable economic growth.



Advanced study 

courses:                 The advanced study courses aims at increasing the professionalism of subjects

working in productive and research sectors who need specialized knowledge. The courses provide a complementary training directed at enriching the students’ scientific and cultural expertise also interdisciplinarily.



All planned training courses are structured on a basic training and a guided training. The first one provides general cross knowledge preparatory to specific professional areas related to the assessment of the environment and territory safety; the second one is in turn characterized by a high level of didactic interactivity with the support of tutors who verify how successful the learning of each lecture is.

The scheduled sequence of didactic activities will allow the students to acquire a specific expertise in different sectors, consistent with the chosen curriculum, through an integrated in-depth study of related subjects. The training courses proposed are structured on single subject lectures, lab activities and integrated courses, which help the students acquire knowledge combining different subjects thanks to a cross-contents didactic. The courses contribute to educating professionals able to access the labor market with strong interdisciplinary skills.

In such a context, the Placement and Career education Offices, analogue to that expressly created by TerrSafeiLab, will be the reference elements to assist undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students of the Universities partner of the HENSE SCHOOL in entering the labour market, even through personal consultations, and companies, in the search for professional profiles. This Office will make available also a web portal to evaluate internship or job opportunities.


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Ammissioni e immatricolazioni


Tasse e contributi

Stage e  placement



Servizi tecnologici


Docenti e ricercatori

Personale tecnico - amministrativo

Piattaforma e-learning

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